- Click "Browse" below and select the image to pick colors from.
- Or, drag and drop an image file anywhere on this page.
- Or, paste an image from the clipboard (Control+V or Command+V).

Color Picker From Image
Our Color Picker From Image online tool makes it easy to extract precise color codes from any digital image with just a few clicks.
Simply select or paste an image and click anywhere to get the name and code for that exact shade of color. The images are never uploaded or stored anywhere; the color picker runs entirely in your browser.
Our image color picker also automatically generates a palette of prominent colors from the image and shows them below the image. By default, 8 colors are shown, but you can increase it up to 24 or decrease it down to 3.
Pick Hex/RGB/HSL/CMYK colors from any image
To use the Color Picker From Image tool, follow these steps:
- Click the "Browse" button above to select an image file from your computer or device.
- Alternatively, you can drag and drop an image file directly onto the page.
- If you have an image copied to your clipboard, you can paste it by pressing Control+V (Windows, Linux) or Command+V (Mac).
- Note that the image stays on your computer and is never sent to a server. The tool runs entirely in your browser.
- Once the image is loaded, you can click anywhere on the image to select a specific color from a pixel in the image.
- The tool will display the selected color along with its name and its hexadecimal, RGB, HSL, and CMYK color code in the sidebar.
- Each color code has a copy button next to it, so you can easily copy the code to your clipboard.
- When you click on the image, the sidebar will also show a zoomed-in view of the selected area, allowing you to more precisely select the color you want.
- The color names and their color codes can be used in web design, graphic design, or any other software that uses color codes.
- You can also export all the colors you've selected in 8 different formats.
- To move the pointer more accurately, we support keyboard navigation - press the arrow keys ↑, ↓, ←, → to move the pointer around by one pixel and press Enter to select the color.
- You can also hold the Control or Alt key while pressing the arrow keys to move the pointer by 10 pixels at a time.
Color palette from image
- When you select an image, the tool will automatically generate a palette of prominent colors from the image and show them below the image, along with their hex codes.
- Click on any color in the palette to select it and see its name and hexadecimal, RGB, HSL, and CMYK color codes in the sidebar.
- You can use the "+" and "-" buttons to increase or decrease the number of colors in the palette. The default is 8 colors, but you can increase it up to 24 or decrease it down to 3.
- You can also export all the colors in the palette in 8 different formats.
Supported Image Formats
Our image picker supports all the image formats that your browser supports. The most common image formats like BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF, and SVG are supported in all browsers. Modern browsers also support WebP, HEIC, and AVIF image formats.
This website uses many open-source libraries to function. The major ones include:
- Astro - The static site generator that powers this website.
- Solid.js - The reactive UI library that powers the image color picker.
- Culori - The color manipulation library that is used for color related calculations.
- Color Names - The color name list that is used to give names to the colors.
- Floating UI - The library that helps position the color preview circle popup.
- Tailwind CSS - The CSS framework that is used to style the website.